Chemical Synthesis
RE-doped BaFe12O19 Powders


Vahit Atakan, Uzay Damali, and A. Cuneyt Tas
Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Middle East Technical University
Ankara 06531


Preliminary Lab-Report

Starting Materials : RE-chlorides, FeCl3.6H2O, BaCl2.2H2O

Synthesis Process: aqueous coprecipitation

Download SEM picture

SEM micrographs of Pure BaFe12O19 Powders
(from the precipitation precursors) heated at 1200°C for 12 h
(The grain size distribution is too broad for this material to be technologically useful..)


A Tentative XRD Pattern for Chemically Synthesized BaFe12O19 Powders
(Fe-K-alpha radiation, Step: 0.02°, Count: 5 sec)
Lattice parameters: a = 5.8974 Å, c = 23.2417 Å, V = 700.042 Å3, Hexagonal, P63/mmc

hkl          2 theta     I/Io      d (Å)
101         22.372     9        4.99
102         23.890     12      4.677
103         26.237     2        4.265
006         28.940     10      3.874
104         29.226     3        3.837
105         32.707     2        3.438
106         36.562     2        3.086
110         38.326     48      2.9490
008         38.922     14      2.9055
112         39.589     9        2.8585
107         40.694     90      2.7840
114         43.193     100    2.6300
200         44.546     9        2.5540
201         44.833     5        2.5385
108         45.074     8        2.5256
202         45.672     2        2.4943
203         47.040     46      2.4257
116         48.731     4        2.3464
0 0 10     49.234     1        2.3239
109         49.681     2        2.3043
205         51.255     34      2.2381
206         54.015     22      2.1317
118         55.777     1        2.0695
207         57.142     1        2.0241
1 0 11     59.453     5        1.9522
211         60.418     1        1.9239
208         60.620     1        1.9181
213         62.232     1        1.8732
214         63.790     1        1.8321
1 1 10     64.064     4        1.8251
209         64.428     8        1.8159
1 0 12     64.623     1        1.8110
215         65.769     1        1.7829
216         68.148     1        1.7278
2 0 10     68.550     4        1.7189
300         69.304     8        1.7025
302         70.152     2        1.6845
217         70.906     37      1.6689
0 0 14     71.344     7        1.6600
304         72.669     20      1.6338
2 0 11     72.969     44      1.6280
1 1 12     73.446     4        1.6189
218         74.032     6        1.6079
1 0 14     75.628     1        1.5789
306         76.791     1        1.5586
219         77.527     1        1.5461
2 0 12     77.712     4        1.5430
2 1 10     81.365     1        1.4850
1 0 15     81.518     1        1.4827
220         82.088     48      1.4742
2 0 13     82.751     4        1.4645
0 0 16     83.581     1        1.4526
1 1 14     84.013     2        1.4465
2 1 11     85.573     4        1.4251
311         86.423     1        1.4138
312         87.022     1        1.4060
2 0 14     88.137     12      1.3918
226         89.269     2        1.3778
314         89.409     1        1.3761
3 0 10     89.641     1        1.3733
228         94.835     2        1.3147
2 1 13     95.130     2        1.3116
317         95.981     2        1.3028
400         98.605     1        1.2768
318         98.982     1        1.2732